A. Gärtner, K. Hoppenheidt, S. Knust, A. Kolk, M. Lohmeyer, V. Liebers, G. Linsel, S. Peters (2020)
Emissionsmessung von Endotoxinen - Vergleichsuntersuchung mit LAL- und rFC-Tests sowie Ermittlung von Verfahrenskenngrößen.
Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 80(9): 329-334
Beiträge in Spektrum der Dialyse und Apharese
Dr. Michael Lohmeyer | Hygiene in Dialysewassersystemen, Teil 1 | Mai 2011 |
Dr. Michael Lohmeyer | Hygiene in Dialysewassersystemen, Teil 2 | September 2011 |
Dr. Michael Lohmeyer | Hygiene in Dialysewassersystemen, Teil 3 | Dezember 2011 |
Dr. Michael Lohmeyer | Dialysewasserproben - Bedeutung der Laborwerte | August 2013 |
Dr. Wiebke Wesseling | Praxiswissen Biofilmbildung | Dezember 2013 |
Dr. Michael Larsen | Dialyseguard | April 2014 |
Dr. Michael Larsen | Bakterien in Dialysewassersystemen | Mai 2015 |
Vera Bleicher, Dr. Rauni Kuczius |
Bakterien in Dialysewassersystemen | August 2015 |
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
W. Wesseling, M. Lohmeyer, S. Wittka, J. Bartels, S. Kroll, C. Soltmann, P. Kegler, A. Kunzmann, S. Neumann, B. Ramsch, B. Sellner, F. Meinhardt (2016)
Adverse Effects of Immobilised Pseudoalteromonas on the Fish Pathogenic Vibrio anguillarum: An In Vitro Study.
J Mar Biol, doi:10.1155/2016/3683809
M. C. Staniford, M. M. Lezhnina, M. Gruener, L. Stegemann, R. Kuczius, V. Bleicher, C. A. Strassert, U. H. Kynast (2015)
Photophysical efficiency-boot of aqueous aluminium phthalocyanine by hybrid formation with nano-clays.
Chem. Commun. 51: 13534-13537
W. Wesseling (2015)
Beneficial biofilms in marine aquaculture? Linking points of biofilm formation mechanisms in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudoalteromonas species.
AIMS Bioengineering 2(3):104-125
W. Wesseling, S. Wittka, S. Kroll, C. Soltmann, P. Kegler, A. Kunzmann, H. W. Riss, M. Lohmeyer (2015)
Functionalised ceramic spawning tiles with probiotic Pseudoalteromonas biofilms designed for clownfish aquaculture.
Aquaculture 446:57–66
W. Hansen, P. Kegler, S. Kroll, A. Kunzmann, S. Neumann, B. Ramsch, K. Rezwan,
B. Sellner, C. Soltmann, S. Wittka, M. Lohmeyer (2013)
Improving larvae rearing of the marine fish Amphiprion ocellaris by beneficial biofilms.
Posterpresentation Eurobiofilms 2013, Ghent, Belgien
M. A. Rieger, M. Lohmeyer, M. Nübling, S. Neuhaus, H. Diefenbach, F. Hofmann (2005)
A Description of the Standardized Measurement Procedures and Recommended Treshold Limit Values for Biological Hazards in Germany.
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 11(2):185-191
M. A. Rieger, A. Sundrum, T. Jungbluth, E. Hartung, M. Lohmeyer (2005)
Fragen des Arbeits-, Tier- und Umweltschutzes bei der Schweinemast in verschiedenen Systemen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung mikrobieller Belastungen.
Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau, Schlussbericht: Projekt 02OE615
H. D. Neumann, G. Becker, M. Lohmeyer, W. Mathys (2005)
Preventive measures to reduce bioaerosol exposure during refuse collection: results of field studies in the real-life situation.
Science of The Total Environment 341(1-3):1-13
H. D. Neumann, J. Balfanz, G. Becker, M. Lohmeyer, W. Mathys, M. Raulf-Heimsoth (2002)
Bioaerosol exposure during refuse collection: results of field studies in the real-life situation.
Science of The Total Environment 293(1-3):219-231
W. Dierkes, M. Lohmeyer, H. J. Rehm (1993)
Long-Term Production of Ergot Peptides by Immobilized Claviceps purpurea in Semicontinuous and Continuous Culture.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59(7):2029-2033
M. Lohmeyer, B. Sander (1993)
Cultivation of immobilized cells of Claviceps purpurea in bioreactors.
Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 76(5):376-381
M. Lohmeyer, W. Dierkes, H. J. Rehm (1990)
Influence of inorganic phosphate and immobilization on Claviceps purpurea.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 33(2):196-201
D. Römermann, M. Lohmeyer, C. G. Friedrich, B. Friedrich (1988)
Pleiotropic mutants from Alcaligenes eutrophus defective in the metabolism of hydrogen, nitrate, urea, and fumarate.
Arch Microbiol 149(5):471-475
M. Lohmeyer, C. G. Friedrich (1987)
Nickel transport in Alcaligenes eutrophus.
Arch Microbiol 149(2):130-135
C. G. Friedrich, S. Suetin, M. Lohmeyer (1984)
Nickel incorporation into soluble hydrogenase of Alcaligenes eutrophus.
Arch Microbiol 140(2):206-211